Day 37: Remembering to Be Still
Oh to be back in this picture right now! This was taken a year ago, up near Traverse City, Michigan. We were visiting our good friends Megan and Mike Gilger, and the snowy trees in their backyard were simply breathtaking. We got 20 inches of snow that night, and ended up getting stuck trying to drive down the street the next morning. So, we we all got out, tried to push the car, and the guys ended up having to dig the car out and push/drive it back into the driveway. The advenures of a snowy day!
Being snowed in is a wonderful thing, though. It forces you just to be still. That day, we all spent quite a bit of time by the fire, drinking coffee, and watching the snow come down. Just looking at the picture draws me back into the peacefulness of that day. Despite my best intentions to pace myself during this project, and especially during this Advent season, I haven't done a great job prioritizing rest. I'm exausted, and I find myself craving moments of stillness. To curl up on the couch, drink hot chocolate, and watch a Christmas movie. This weekend, that is my goal!

We had our first snow in NYC this week, and it was beautiful. I happened to have a lunch up on the Upper East Side, so afterwards, I strolled through a wintry-white Central Park, in search of that moment of peace I've been craving. I walked slowly, breathed deeply, and talked to God about how overwhelmed I feel. It was balm for my soul. There's something in the whiteness of snow that is so soothing, so peaceful. I felt far from the hustle and bustle of the city, the glare of the holiday lights, and the unrelenting pressure to suceed that I put on myself. For a moment, I could just be at peace.
I wish you the same, dear friends. Peace during a season that is often full of everything but. Whether you have snow or not, take a moment to savor the stillness. Be good to yourself, and remember the hope that has been promised!
Tomorrow: Fun, homemade holiday gift ideas!