Counting Down: Cookbook Pre-Sales Begin on Monday!'s happening!!! Our Kickstarter campaign is launching Monday and I could not be more excited. For 6 weeks, via Kickstarter, you'll have the opportunity to pre-order the cookbook – which will arrive in October. This is going to be your only opportunity to pre-order a if you want to give this book to friends or family as a holiday gift, next week is the time to buy!
Our friends Mike and Megan are putting the finishing touches on a beautiful video that we'll be sharing Monday, Katie (our amazing designer) is working on sample designs of the recipe pages (stay'll be blown away), and I just handed off all the recipes to Lauren, my cookbook editor. Signe and I wrapped up our final cookbook shoot last Friday so the food photos are officially done! It's all feeling very real at this point and I could not be more thrilled with how things are shaping up.
But I need your help! Can you please help me spread the word about the Kickstarter campaign? We are really hoping to sell 1500 copies of the book in the first week (so we can hopefully get on Kickstarter's home page!). On Monday, when the campaign launches, I would SO appreciate a little social media lovin' from you all. Help me spread the word as widely as possible – on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest – so we can start selling books! The more money we raise, the more books we print, and the more "yellow table gatherings" that can take place worldwide.
I can't believe I leave for the road trip in two days...and the VW Beetle arrives today! Check back Monday for Kickstarter and road trip updates. We had our first official dinner of the Cookbook Road Trip series this past Wednesday here in NYC, around the yellow table. It was a huge success, and I can't wait to share all the photos with you all. The incredibly talented Eric Ryan Anderson photographed the's a couple teaser photos. More to come soon!

Have a great weekend!!!
xo, Anna
(Dinner party photos by Eric Ryan Anderson)