A Quick Book Update + My Favorite Summer Recipes!
Happy Saturday, friends! This has been an exciting and busy week, as this past Tuesday, August 4th, the second edition of The Yellow Table cookbook was released at stores nationwide!! I'm seriously still pinching myself. After all the hard work of last year – creating the book, fundraising via Kickstarter, traveling cross-country throwing dinner parties, and shipping out thousands of copies by hand – it's really a dream come true to have a publisher who is handling all the details of distribution.
I went to Barnes & Noble the other day and it was totally surreal to see copies of my book sitting on the shelf. It was really sentimental actually, as I used to work at Barnes & Noble in high school, and spent hours poring over the cookbook section (when I was really supposed to be shelving books!). I'm pretty sure my 18-year-old self would never believe that she'd one day have her own cookbook on those shelves. This whole process has been a testimony that that anything is possible. Don't ever stop dreaming and believing. If your dream is to write a book, start jotting down your ideas and get started. If I can do it, you certainly can, too.

I wanted to give a little update to those of you who pre-ordered on Amazon (thank you!!!). You all were supposed to receive your books August 4th, but many of you wrote me saying that Amazon notified you that books won't arrive for another 2-3 weeks. This is totally out of my control, but I looked into the matter and was told that Amazon sold out of their first order of books earlier this summer and had to reorder more. The new shipment of books somehow got delayed, and didn't reach Amazon warehouses on August 6. Which means now they have a lot of orders to fulfill! I am SO sorry, as I know many of you have been waiting patiently for month to receive your books! They should arrive by the end of the month (if not sooner), and hopefully Amazon will resume their regular Prime shipping schedule then.
But if you're wanting to get a copy now, you can order online at Barnes & Noble for just $12.84 and it will arrive early next week (no shipping delays, I promise!). And of course, it's available now in stores as well! Thanks again, everyone, for your support and enthusiasm. It's been so fun getting emails and messages from you all, and seeing pictures of you all enjoying your books!! Tag your photos #theyellowtablecookbook and I'll continue to share my favorites.

But enough about books – I've been cooking a ton lately, thanks to my new gig at Delish, and want to share some of my favorite summer recipes with you all! Here are some ideas for this weekend:
*A summery, no-cook Thai-style feast: shrimp summer rolls with chili-lime dipping sauce, watermelon gazpacho, spicy zucchini-carrot salad, and a pistachio-coconut semifreddo with fresh peaches. I created this menu for Saveur, and it includes recipes, a prep plan, and a playlist - enjoy!
*Spaghetti with pistachio-mint pesto and zucchini - my new favorite simple summertime pasta.
*Heirloom tomato tart with ricotta and basil - perfect for an easy dinner or appetizer.
*A colorful Cobb salad with tomatoes, avocado, bacon, chicken, corn, and herb-buttermilk dressing.
*Grilled chicken Banh Mi sandwiches with spicy pickled vegetables and Sriracha mayo (I am seriously addicted to this combo!).
*Grilled shrimp tostadas with guacamole and red cabbage slaw.
Have a great weekend, everybody! Talk soon!
xo, Anna